Serving on Sunday Mornings

Sundays aren’t the sole job of the pastor at Good Shepherd. There are many people who make Sundays a special time of worship, praise, and fellowship.

  • Ushers—an usher assists the congregation with finding their seats, getting bulletins, and with collecting/distributing items during the service.
  • Greeters—The role of a greeter is to do just that; to greet! At services the greeters welcome folks into the church, and answer any questions folks may have.
  • Readers—A reader is someone who reads aloud the scripture for the service that day. They may read multiple passages, or share the duties with others.
  • Worship Assistants— The worship assistant is a lay person who works with the pastor to support the service. They may have opportunities to serve as readers as well.
  • Altar Guild—There are a lot of important objects used in worship, and the Altar Guild assist with maintaining them! The Altar Guild helps set out necessary items, such as communion supplies, and also helps with cleaning and putting away items after the service.
  • Crucifer/Acolyte (Young people) – A crucifer carries the churches’ processional cross at the beginning and end of a service. Acolytes and Crucifers also assist with candle lighting, and general needs such as supporting the ushers

Note: Youth are welcome to serve in ANY of the above roles, not just Crucifer/Acolyte.  

If you’re unsure what is right for you, or would like more information, please contact us!
Email Pr. Dave for more info: [email protected]
Call the church office at (301) 663-3344 or email: [email protected]